XXX 15.00
Sharing your faith—the reason for your hope—can feel daunting. But this is the inspiring mission that Jesus called us to. The world seems hostile to the gospel message, maybe because some of us have gotten it wrong in the past. But the lost need the same hope that you have in your soul, and it’s time for us to courageously be salt and light for those who are hurting and seeking.
This study addresses how to overcome the stumbling blocks that have kept you paralyzed when it comes to sharing your faith. As a fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ, this study equips you to handle the toughest parts of sharing your faith. How should you answer a skeptic? How can you spot counterfeit teachings? How does God handle hypocrites? How can you heal broken relationships? The cost is great, but our love for Christ compels us to share our faith.
Each study follows Pastor Rogers’ guide to studying the Bible: Pray Over It. Ponder It. Put It in Writing. Practice It. Proclaim It.