The Door to the Morning Bible Study

The Door to the Morning Bible Study

from the messages of Adrian Rogers

XXX 15.00



When you think about revival, perhaps you envision big tents with fiery sermons. Perhaps you remember days of sitting on a hard pew and going to church night after night. Perhaps you think of throngs of people filling football stadiums for a special event. This may be what revival looks like on the outside, but genuine revival is a deep work of God that causes repentance and unleashes God’s power in our lives. It begins as an internal work that is so transformational it becomes external.

For the follower of Jesus, revival starts with you, right here and right now. You are God’s holy temple, and you can have floods of victory in your life and experience transformation. This eight-week study shows you how to be a vessel that brings rivers of revival to those around you. Revival starts with you and spreads to your family, your church, your nation, and the world!

Rivers of Revival Bible Study
  • 8-week study
  • spiral-bound
  • 132 pages
  • 5.5" x 8.5"