Live Like A King Series

Live Like A King Series

From the messages of Adrian Rogers

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The Author and Finisher of Our Faith

How are you going to know God? Not by reason. Not by religion. Not by ritual. You are only going to know God by revelation. Indeed, Jesus Christ has come to reveal God to you. You can never fully know God the Father apart from God the Son, and an amazing journey awaits as you DISCOVER JESUS and deepen your relationship with Him.

Discover Jesus Series

Listen to this series anytime directly on our website.

Messages included:
2264 - Who Is Jesus?
1974 - How to Enjoy the Presence of God
2151 - Three Strikes and You’re Out
1965 - No Other Way to Heaven Except Through Jesus
2222 - What Shall I Do With Jesus
2484 - How to Be a Growing Christian
2063 - You Can Be Sure
2002 - Bible Baptism
1806 - How to Have a Meaningful Quiet Time
2146 - How to Make Your Bible Come Alive
2032 - The Principles of Prayer
2437 - Learning to Share Jesus
2483 - The Soul Winner’s Six Mighty Motivations
2103 - Birthmarks of the Believer
2329 - How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map