Jesus Is the Answer Bible Study

Jesus Is the Answer Bible Study

from the messages of Adrian Rogers

XXX 15.00



Shakespeare said, “Life’s a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Benjamin Disraeli said, “Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret.” The writer of Ecclesiastes said, “All is vanity.” We have all felt the futility of life at some point, yet we keep chasing things that we hope will bring us life. We constantly search for meaning and for answers to life’s biggest questions. Jesus doesn’t merely give us answers. Jesus Himself is the answer to our questions. In this study, we will look at Jesus’ miracles in the Book of John to understand the metaphors behind the miracles. In each instance, Jesus reveals more of who He is and more of the life He died to give us—abundant life!

Each study follows Pastor Rogers’ guide to studying the Bible: Pray Over It. Ponder It. Put It in Writing. Practice It. Proclaim It.

  • 7-week study
  • paperback
  • 108 pages
  • 5.5" x 8.5"