It Takes a Family Series

Adrian Rogers

XXX 25.00


Raising a child is a precious responsibility. And these days, everyone wants to share in that responsibility. But, it doesn't take a community to raise a child, it takes a family. Join Adrian Rogers as he provides practical and spiritual advice from God's Word to help you reclaim lost ground and establish new traditions for your family.

It Takes a Family Series

Listen to this series anytime directly on our website.

Messages included:
2123 - Family Faith, part 1
2124 - Family Faith, part 2
2125 - Family Finances
2127 - Family Fun
2129 - Family Fitness
2130 - Family Future
2132 - Family Faithfulness

Serie en ESPAÑOL

As we update designs, the series you receive may have a different cover, but the content is the same. Thank you for understanding.